cherokee − Cherokee Web Server
cherokee [options]
cherokee is an extremely fast, flexible and embeddable web server.
This command will launch the Cherokee webserver. It accepts the following options:
−h, --help
Prints a brief help message and terminates execution
−V, --version
Prints Cherokee’s version and terminates execution
−t, --test
Perform a sanity check on the configuration file. The server will not run.
−d, --detach
Launches the server as a background process (default behaviour is to stay attached to the controlling terminal).
−C<PATH>, --config=<PATH>
Specifies an alternative path for the configuration file to use instead of the default cherokee.conf
−p<PORT>, --port=<PORT>
TCP port number to which the server will listen.
−r<PATH>, --documentroot=<PATH>
Launches a server exposing statically the specified directory. When launched with −r, the configuration file is ignored, and the Cherokee instance runs with its default values.
−i, --print-server-info
Print server technical information.
−v, --valgrind
Execute the worker process under Valgrind. Used only for development and troubleshooting purposes.
The following signals are supported by Cherokee:
SIGHUP, Restarts the server gracefully
SIGUSR1, Restarts the server closing all the opened connections
SIGUSR2, Reopens the log files
Bug reports
I would appreciate hearing of any problems you have with Cherokee. I would also like to hear from you if you have successfully used Cherokee, especially if you are using it for a distribution.
Report bugs to
There is a mailing list for discussion among Cherokee users and for announcements of new and test versions. To join, send a message to cherokee-admin AT cherokee-project DOT com with the line:
subscribe cherokee
in the body of the message. The submission address is cherokee AT cherokee-project DOT com.
Cherokee can be run either with this command or cherokee-worker(1). This last option is discouraged if you are not developing though. Note that, for most systems, a startup/shutdown script such as /etc/init.d/cherokee is provided and will probably be the most convenient invocation method.
Alvaro Lopez Ortega <alvaro AT alobbs DOT com>.
This manpage is maintainted by Taher Shihadeh <taher AT unixwars DOT com>.