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cdemu − a simple command-line CDEmu client


cdemu [options] <command> <command parameters>


This is cdemu, a command-line client for controlling CDEmu daemon. It is part of the userspace-cdemu suite, a free, GPL CD/DVD-ROM device emulator for linux.

It provides a way to perform the key tasks related to controlling the CDEmu daemon, such as loading and unloading devices, displaying devices’ status and retrieving/setting devices’ debug masks.

When connecting to daemon, cdemu client can use either session or system bus. By hard-coded default, it uses system bus. The default bus to be used can be specified via /etc/cdemu-client.conf or ~/.cdemu-client file; for more information, please read README file. The default can be overridden using --bus option.


CDEmu daemon offers support for encrypted images. When password is required to load an image (and it hasn’t been provided via commandline using --password), cdemu-client will prompt for it and then send it to daemon.



-h --help

Displays the help message. If command is specified, help message with synopsis and description for that command is displayed.

-v --version

Prints version info and exits.

-b --bus

Sets the D-BUS bus type to use for connection. Valid values are session and system. If no bus is specified, the default bus is used.


load [parser-parameters] <device> <filename> [...]

Loads the device; device is the number of the desired device, or any. If any is used, then the client will attempt to load the image into the first empty device it finds (provided there is one available). filename is the image filename. For multi-file images, multiple filenames can be provided.

The following optional parser parameters can be passed when trying to load the image (whether they are supported by a particular parser or not depends on the parser implementation):

--password <string> Allows a password for an encrypted image to be specified via commandline; however, if an image requires password and it hasn’t been specified via commandline, then the client will prompt for it using standard input without echo.

--encoding <string> Allows an encoding for text-based image format (such as CUE) to be specified. This might be needed if the image descriptor file contains non-ASCII characters and does not use Unicode.

create-blank [options] --writer_id=<writer-id> <device> <image_file>

Creates blank recordable disc in the specified device. device is the number of the desired device, or any. If any is used, then the client will attempt to load the image into the first empty device it finds (provided there is one available). image_file is the image filename/basename. A valid writer-id must also be provided. Other valid options are:

--medium-type <type> Sets the blank medium type. Valid values are: cdr74, cdr80, cdr90, cdr99 and dvd+r.

--param="writer.parameter_id=parameter_value" Allows user to pass additional image writer parameters. parameter_id must be a valid parameter ID from image writer’s parameter sheet, prefixed by "writer.".

unload <device>

Unloads the device; device is the number of the desired device, or all.


Displays devices’ status


Creates another virtual device


Removes the last virtual device


Displays device mapping information

daemon-debug-mask <device> [new-value]

Displays/sets daemon debug mask; device is the number of the desired device, or all. new-value is the new debug mask value. If this argument is omitted, current debug mask is displayed. A list of supported debug mask values can be obtained with enum-daemon-debug-masks command.

library-debug-mask <device> [new-value]

Displays/sets library debug mask; device is the number of the desired device, or all. new-value is the new debug mask value. If this argument is omitted, current debug mask is displayed. A list of supported debug mask values can be obtained with enum-library-debug-masks command.

dpm-emulation <device> [new-value]

Displays/sets DPM emulation flag. device is the number of the desired device, or all. new-value is the new value to be set. If this argument is omitted, currently set value is displayed.

tr-emulation <device> [new-value]

Displays/sets transfer rate emulation flag. device is the number of the desired device, or all. new-value is the new value to be set. If this argument is omitted, currently set value is displayed.

bad-sector-emulation <device> [new-value]

Displays/sets bad sector emulation flag. device is the number of the desired device, or all. new-value is the new value to be set. If this argument is omitted, currently set value is displayed.

dvd-report-css <device> [new-value]

Report the loaded DVD as CSS-encrypted. device is the number of the desired device, or all. new-value is the new value to be set. If this argument is omitted, currently set value is displayed.

This flag influences the generation of fake Disc Structure 0x01, and as such works only with images of DVD videos that do not provide this information (most images, with exception of perhaps mds/mdf, don’t). Enabling this option allows images of CSS-encrypted DVDs (e.g. created using ’dd’ or ’readcd’ without running through a CSS decryption step when creating the image) to be played by a deCSS-enabled Linux media player.

device-id <device> [new-vendor-id] [new-product-id] [new-revision]

Displays/sets device ID. device is the number of the desired device. new-vendor-id is the new vendor ID string to be set (8 characters max). new-product-id is the new product ID string to be set (16 characters max). new-revision is the new revision string to be set (4 characters max). new-vendor-specific is the new vendor-specific string to be set (20 characters max). If new values are omitted, currently set values are displayed.


Enumerates supported image parsers.


Enumerates supported image writers.


Enumerates supported filter streams.


Enumerates supported daemon debug masks.


Enumerates supported library debug masks.

enum-writer-parameters <writer-id>

Retrieves and displays parameters sheet for specified image writer.


Displays version information


Loading a single image to first device:

cdemu load 0 ~/image.mds

Loading multiple-file image to first device:

cdemu load 0 ~/session1.toc ~/session2.toc ~/session3.toc

Loading a text-based image in non-ASCII/non-Unicode encoding:

cdemu load 0 ~/image.cue --encoding=windows-1250

Loading an encrypted image with password provided as an argument:

cdemu load 0 ~/image.daa --password=seeninplain

Loading a raw image of a CSS-encrypted DVD created by ’dd’, so it can
be played by mplayer:

cdemu load 0 ~/image.iso
cdemu dvd-report-css 0 1

Creating a blank recordable disc: DVD+R SL with ISO image writer:

cdemu create-blank --writer-id=WRITER-ISO --medium-type=dvd+r 0 ~/output-image.iso

Creating a blank recordable disc: 80-minute CD-R with TOC image writer,
with additional writer parameters:

cdemu create-blank --writer-id=WRITER-TOC --medium-type=cdr80 --param="writer.write_raw=1" --param="writer.write_subchannel=1" 0 ~/output-image.toc

Unloading first device:

cdemu unload 0

Displaying device status:

cdemu status

Adding another device:

cdemu add-device

Removing the last device:

cdemu remove-device

Displaying device mapping information:

cdemu device-mapping

Setting daemon debug mask for the first device:

cdemu daemon-debug-mask 0 0x01

Obtaining library debug mask for the first device:

cdemu library-debug-mask 0

Disabling DPM emulation on all devices:

cdemu dpm-emulation all 0

Enabling transfer rate emulation on first device:

cdemu tr-emulation 0 1

Enabling bad sector emulation on first device:

cdemu tr-emulation 0 1

Changing device ID of first device:

cdemu device-id 0 "MyVendor" "MyProduct" "1.0.0" "Test device ID"

Enumerating supported image parsers:

cdemu enum-parsers

Enumerating supported image writers:

cdemu enum-writers

Enumerating supported filter streams:

cdemu enum-filter-streams

Enumerating supported daemon debug masks:

cdemu enum-daemon-debug-masks

Enumerating supported library debug masks:

cdemu enum-library-debug-masks

Obtaining parameter sheet for TOC image writer:

cdemu enum-writer-parameters WRITER-TOC

Displaying daemon and library version:

cdemu version


Rok Mandeljc <rok DOT mandeljc AT gmail DOT com>

CDEmu project’s web page:

CDEmu project’s mailing list: cdemu-devel AT lists DOT sourceforge DOT net
