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basic_db_auth − Database auth helper for Squid


basic_db_auth [options]


This program verifies username & password to a database


Database DSN . Default "DBI:mysql:database=squid"


Database User


Database password


Database table. Default "passwd".


Username column. Default "user".


Password column. Default "password".


Condition, defaults to enabled=1. Specify 1 or "" for no condition If you use −−joomla flag, this condition will be changed to block=0


Database contains plain-text passwords


Database contains unsalted md5 passwords


Selects the correct salt to evaluate passwords


Keep a persistent database connection open between queries.


Tells helper that user database is Joomla DB . So their unusual salt hashing is understood.


Copyright (C) 2007 Henrik Nordstrom <henrik AT henriknordstrom DOT net> Copyright (C) 2010 Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz <dlucio AT okay DOT com DOT mx> (Joomla support) This program is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, or (at youropinion) any later version.
