MooseX::POE − The Illicit Love Child of Moose and POE
version 0.215
package Counter; use MooseX::POE; has count => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', lazy => 1, default => sub { 0 }, ); sub START { my ($self) = @_; $self−>yield('increment'); } event increment => sub { my ($self) = @_; print "Count is now " . $self−>count . "\n"; $self−>count( $self−>count + 1 ); $self−>yield('increment') unless $self−>count > 3; }; no MooseX::POE; Counter−>new(); POE::Kernel−>run();
or with MooseX::Declare:
class Counter { use MooseX::POE::SweetArgs qw(event); has count => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', lazy => 1, default => sub { 0 }, ); sub START { my ($self) = @_; $self−>yield('increment') } event increment => sub { my ($self) = @_; print "Count is now " . $self−>count . "\n"; $self−>count( $self−>count + 1 ); $self−>yield('increment') unless $self−>count > 3; } } Counter−>new(); POE::Kernel−>run();
MooseX::POE is a Moose wrapper around a POE::Session.
event $name $subref
Create an event handler named $name.
Get the internal POE Session ID, this is useful to hand to other POE aware functions.
A cheap alias for the same POE::Kernel function which will gurantee posting to the object’s session.
Default POE-related methods are provided by MooseX::POE::Meta::Trait::Object which is applied to your base class (which is usually Moose::Object) when you use this module. See that module for the documentation for. Below is a list of methods on that class so you know what to look for:
MooseX::Declare support is still "experimental". Meaning that I don’t use it, I don’t have any code that uses it, and thus I can’t adequately say that it won’t cause monkeys to fly out of any orifices on your body beyond what the tests and the SYNOPSIS cover.
That said there are a few caveats that have turned up during testing.
1. The "method" keyword doesn’t seem to work as expected. This is an integration issue that is being resolved but I want to wait for MooseX::Declare to gain some more polish on their slurpy arguments.
2. MooseX::POE attempts to re-export Moose, which MooseX::Declare has already exported in a custom fashion. This means that you’ll get a keyword clash between the features that MooseX::Declare handles for you and the features that Moose handles. To work around this you’ll need to write:
use MooseX::POE qw(event); # or use MooseX::POE::SweetArgs qw(event); # or use MooseX::POE::Role qw(event);
to keep MooseX::POE from exporting the sugar that MooseX::Declare doesn’t like. This is fixed in the Git version of MooseX::Declare but that version (as of this writing) is not on the CPAN.
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Chris Prather <chris AT prather DOT org> |
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Ash Berlin <ash AT cpan DOT org> |
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Chris Williams <chris AT bingosnet DOT co DOT uk> |
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Yuval (nothingmuch) Kogman |
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Torsten Raudssus <torsten AT raudssus DOT de> <> |
This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Chris Prather, Ash Berlin, Chris Williams, Yuval Kogman, Torsten Raudssus.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.