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bash-minimal − A bash version configured with minimal features


bash [ options ] ... [ file ]


bash-minimal is configured using --enable-minimal-config, which produces a shell with minimal features, close to the historical Bourne shell. This means:

No alias expansion and the ‘alias’ and ‘unalias’ builtins.

No support for the alternate form of the ‘for’ command that behaves like the C language ‘for’ statement.

No support for one-dimensional array shell variables.

No support for ‘csh’-like history substitution.

No ‘csh’-like brace expansion ( ‘b{a,b}c’ ==> ‘bac bbc’ ).

No support for recognizing ‘time’ as a reserved word and for displaying timing statistics for the pipeline following ‘time’. This allows pipelines as well as shell builtins and functions to be timed.

No support for the ‘[[’ conditional command.

No support for a ‘csh’-like directory stack and the ‘pushd’, ‘popd’, and ‘dirs’ builtins

No support for the ‘((...))’ command.

No support for the extended pattern matching features.

No ‘help’ builtin, which displays help on shell builtins and variables.

No command history and the ‘fc’ and ‘history’ builtin commands.

No job control features.

No special handling of filenames of the form ‘/dev/tcp/HOST/PORT’ and ‘/dev/udp/HOST/PORT’ when used in redirections.

No process substitution.

No interpretation of a number of backslash-escaped characters in the ‘$PS1’, ‘$PS2’, ‘$PS3’, and ‘$PS4’ prompt strings.

No programmable completion facilities.

No support for command-line editing and history with the Bash version of the Readline library.

No support for a "restricted shell". If this is enabled, Bash, when called as ‘rbash’, enters a restricted mode.

No ‘select’ builtin, which allows the generation of simple menus.


