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mcabber − a simple Jabber console client


mcabber [ −h | −V | −f configfile ]


mcabber(1) is a small Jabber console client. For now it needs a configuration file to start, so please copy the sample mcabberrc file and adapt your connection settings.

You also need to have an existing Jabber account to use this software, as it cannot (un)register accounts yet.

Here are some of the features of mcabber:

SSL support.

MUC support (Multi−User Chat).

PGP support

Chat States support (typing notifications)

History logging: If enabled (see the CONFIGURATION FILE section), mcabber can save discussions to history log files.

Commands completion: If possible, mcabber will try to complete your command line if you hit the Tab key.

Input line history: Any message or command entered is in the input line history and can be reused easily.

External actions: Some events (like receiving a message) can trigger an external action such as a shell script if you enable it in your configuration file. A sample events script ("eventcmd") is provided with mcabber source code, in the contrib directory.


−−help, −h

Quick help usage message

−f configfile

Use configuration file configfile


The mcabber(1) screen is divided into 4 regions. The roster, alias buddylist, is on the left. The chat window, or chat buffer, is on the right. The input line lies at the bottom of the screen, under a small log window.

Two status lines surround the log window. The bottom status line is the "main status line" and reflects mcabber general status. The other line is the "chat status line" and shows the status of the currently selected buddy.

To display buddies chat buffers, you will have to enter chat mode. You can enter chat mode by pressing enter, and leave chat mode with the ESC key. Simply sending a message will also enable chat mode.

There are several advantages to the two−mode implementation: first, it allows accurate "unread" message functionality, as described in the next section; without this, merely scrolling to a specific buddy will "read" the new messages of all buddies in−between. Second, it allows quickly hiding the conversation with a single keystroke. Third, it allows jumping between the few buddies with whom you are conversing with the /roster alternate command described in another section, without having to manually scroll back and forth.


Text typing occurs in the input line; basic operations are supported (left arrow, right arrow, home/end keys, insert, delete, backspace...).

PageUp and PageDown keys are used to move in the roster.

Up and Down arrow keys can be used to move in the input line history; they jump to the previous/next line from the history beginning with the same string (from first column to the cursor column).

To send a message, move to the choosen buddy in the buddylist, type your message and hit enter. If the line begins with a slash, this will be interpreted as a command (see the COMMAND section below). Hit escape to leave the chat mode.

Here is a quick description of the key bindings:


Additional key bindings may be specified using the /bind command described in the COMMANDS section.


The first listed resource on the roster is [status], which keeps a log of everything that appears in the short log window below the main chat area. While the log window was designed for showing the latest few elements, the dedicated [status] buffer allows more comfortable viewing of the log, as well as scrolling it in a standard manner.

Group names are displayed above the resources that are within them, and are indicated by −−− to the left of the name.

For every real Jabber resource, the roster displays four pieces of information: the resource’s name or alias, its online status, its authorization status, and whether there are unread messages from the resource waiting for you.

The online status is one of the following:


The authorization status indicates whether a resource is authorized to receive your online status updates, and is displayed by the brackets surrounding the resource’s online status. Square brackets, like [o], indicate that this resource is authorized to receive your status. Curly braces, like {o}, indicate that they are not authorized to receive your status.

When there are unread messages from the resource which you have not looked at, a hash mark (#) appears in the leftmost section of the roster for that resource. The hash mark disappears once you view that resource’s message log.




Please refer to the online help (command /help), it is probably more up−to−date than this manpage. Furthermore, help files have been translated into several languages. You will find an overview of the mcabber commands in this manual.


/alias [name [= command line]]

Add "name" as an alias for "command line". Aliases are expanded only once, thus they can not be chained. "/alias name" displays the value associated with the "name" alias; "/alias name =" unsets the "name" alias. "/alias" displays a list of the existing aliases. Example: "/alias away = status away".

/bind [keycode [= command line]]

Bind a command line to the key with the "keycode" code number. Keycodes of unused keys are displayed by mcabber in the log window when pressing the key, for example "Unknown key=265". "/bind keycode" displays the command line bound to the given keycode; "/bind keycode =" unbinds the given keycode. "/bind" displays a list of the bound keycodes. Note: aliases can be used in key bindings. Example: "/bind 265 = status online" (265 is F1 for me, but it may depend on your ncurses installation).

/buffer clear|close|close_all|purge, /buffer top|bottom|date|%|search_backward|search_forward, /buffer scroll_lock|scroll_unlock|scroll_toggle

The buffer command manipulates the current buddy’s buffer (chat window).



The clear command is actually an alias for "/buffer clear".

/help [command]

Display generic help or help about a specific mcabber command.


Disconnect and leave mcabber(1).

/set option[=value]

Display or set an option value.

/source [file]

Read a configuration file.


Display mcabber version



Establish connection to the Jabber server.


Terminate connection to the Jabber server. Note: the roster is only available when the connection to the server is active, so the buddylist is empty when disconnected.

/event #n|* accept|ignore|reject, /event list

Tell mcabber what to do about a pending event. If the first parameter is "*", the command will apply to all queued events.


/rawxml send string

send string: send string (raw XML format) to the Jabber server. No check is done on the string provided. BEWARE! Use this only if you know what you are doing, or you could terminate the connection.


/add [jid [nickname]]

Add the "jid" Jabber user to our roster (default group), and send a notification request to this buddy. If no nickname is specified, the jid is used. If no jid (or an empty string "") is provided or if jid is ".", the current buddy is used.

/authorization allow|cancel|request|request_unsubscribe [jid]

Manage the presence subscriptions. If no jid is provided, the current buddy is used.



Delete the current buddy from our roster, unsubscribe from its presence notification and unsubscribe it from ours.

/group fold|unfold|toggle

The group command changes the current group display.



Display info on the selected entry (user, agent, group...). For users, resources are displayed with the status, priority and status message (if available) of each resource.

/move [groupname]

Move the current buddy to the requested group. If no group is specified, then the buddy is moved to the default group. If the group groupname doesn’t exist, it is created. Tip: if the chatmode is enabled, you can use "/roster alternate" to jump to the moved buddy.

/msay begin|verbatim|send|send_to|toggle|toggle_verbatim|abort

Send a multi−line message. To write a single message with several lines, the multi−line mode should be used. In multi−line mode, each line (except command lines) typed in the input line will be added to the multi−line message. Once the message is finished, it can be sent to the current selected buddy with the "/msay send" command (or Ctrl−d). The begin subcommand enables multi−line mode. Note that it allows a message subject to be specified. The verbatim multi−line mode disables commands, so that it is possible to enter lines starting with a slash. Only the "/msay" command (with send or abort parameters) can be used to exit verbatim mode. The toggle and toggle_verbatim subcommands can be bound to a key to use the multi−line mode quickly (for example, "bind M109 = msay toggle" to switch using the Meta−m combination).


/pgp disable|enable|force|info [jid], /pgp setkey [jid [key]]

Manipulate PGP settings for the specified jid (by default the currently selected contact). Please note that PGP encryption won’t be used if no remote PGP support is detected, even if PGP is enabled with this command.


/rename name

Rename current buddy or group to the given name. Please note that a group name change is only done when the server’s acknowledgment is received, so a slight delay can be noticed.

/request last|time|vcard|version [jid]

Send a "IQ" query to the current buddy, or to the specified Jabber user. If the resource is not provided with the jid, mcabber will send the query to all known resources for this user.

/room join|leave|names|nick|privmsg|remove|topic|unlock|destroy, /room invite|kick|ban|role|affil, /room bookmark [add|del] [−autojoin|+autojoin]

The room command handles Multi−User Chat room actions.


/roster bottom|top|up|down|group_prev|group_next, /roster alternate|unread_first|unread_next, /roster search bud, /roster hide_offline|show_offline|toggle_offline, /roster item_lock|item_unlock, /roster hide|show|toggle, /roster note [−|text]

The roster command manipulates the roster/buddylist. Here are the available parameters:


/say text

Send the "text" message to the currently selected buddy. Can be useful if you want to send a message beginning with a slash, for example.

/say_to jid text

Send the "text" message to the specified jid. Please note that this command doesn’t set the default resource for a contact, so if you want to send several messages to a specific resource you will have to use "/say_to" for each message.

/status [online|avail|invisible|free|dnd|notavail|away [−|StatusMessage]]

Show or set the current status. If no status is specified, display the current status. If a status message is specified, it will overrride the message* variables (these variables can be set in the configuration file). If no relevant message* variable is set and no status message provided, the current status message is kept. If StatusMessage is "−", the current status message is cleared.

/status_to jid online|avail|invisible|free|dnd|notavail|away [StatusMessage]

Send the requested status to the specified Jabber user. If the specified jid is ".", the current buddy is used. Note: this status will be overridden by subsequent "/status" commands. If you are using the auto−away feature, the status will overridden too. Note: The jid can include a resource (i.e. user@server/resource).


See the provided sample configuration file, which should be self−documenting.


The following files can be used by mcabber(1):

$HOME/.mcabber/mcabberrc Default configuration file
$HOME/.mcabberrc Configuration file used if no other has been found
$HOME/.mcabber/histo/ Default directory for storing chat history files, if enabled


Certainly. Please tell me if you find one! :−)


Written by Mikael BERTHE[1]. Originally based on Cabber[2], please consult the AUTHORS file for details.


Main web site[3]


Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Mikael Berthe. Some portions are Copyright (C) 2002−2004 cabber AT ajmacias DOT com[4].

Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).




mailto:mcabber AT lilotux DOT net




Main web site


cabber AT ajmacias DOT com

mailto:cabber AT ajmacias DOT com
