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minctecat − convert a minc format file to an Ecat7 format file


minctoecat [<options>] <infile.mnc> <outfile.v>

minctoecat [−help]


minctoecat will convert a 2D image, a 3D volumes or a 4D dynamic volumes written in minc file format to a 2D, 3D or 4D Ecat7 file. Whereas the Ecat7 format has been designed for PET volume issued by Ecat scanners (CTI/SIEMENS − Knoxville, TN, USA) it reads any minc volume type (static PET, dynamic PET, aMRI, fMRI, labels) natively delivered by any tomograph brand and transform it to a viable Ecat7 file in term of number of dimensions, dimension size, dimension step, orientation, spatial position, voxel values and voxel unit. Furthermore, it tries the best as it can to fill optional Ecat7 header fields from the available minc variables and attributes. By default, it extracts these additional information from common minc variables, namely: patient_variable, study_variable, acquisition_variable. In the case of volumes originally delivered by an Ecat PET scanners, then, other variable are generally available within the minc header: ecat_acquisition_variable, ecat_main and ecat_sub−header_variable. There, for a such minc volume, the conversion yields a Ecat7 volume almost identical to the original native volume in terms of header fields. The user can alter this behaviour using the ignore−list options (see the option section).


Note that options can be specified in abbreviated form (as long as they are unique) and can be given anywhere on the command line.

Command specific options

−ignore_patient_variable: Ignore information from the minc patient
variable (MIpatient).
Ignore information from the minc study variable
Ignore information from the minc
acquisition variable (MIacquisition).
Ignore information from the minc
ecat acquisition variable (MIecat_acquisition).
Ignore information from the minc
ecat−mainheader variable (MIecat−main).
Ignore information from the minc
ecat−subheader variable (MIecat−subheader).
do not regenerate the decay correction factors
employed as part as the reconstruction of the original PET volume. The
correction factors is a field in the ecat sub−headers which can be used
by processing programs. By default, if the volume is a PET volume
,those factors are regenerated. This option has no interest in the case
of non PET data.
Treats voxel as integer values instead of floating point
values. In this case, the scale factors and the calibration factors are
both set to unity. This option is particularly useful when the input
minc files is a volume of labels.

General options

−help: Print summary of command−line options and abort
Print the program’s version and abort


No bug listed so far :=)


ecattominc(1), rawtominc(1), minctoraw(1), dicomtominc(1)


Anthonin Reilhac (anthonin DOT reilhac AT cermep DOT fr)


Copyrights 2005 by Anthonin Reilhac
