SVK::Command::Mirror − Initialize a mirrored depotpath
mirror [http|svn]://host/path DEPOTPATH # You may also list the target part first: mirror DEPOTPATH [http|svn]://host/path mirror −−bootstrap=DUMPFILE DEPOTPATH [http|svn]://host/path mirror −−list [DEPOTNAME...] mirror −−relocate DEPOTPATH [http|svn]://host/path mirror −−detach DEPOTPATH mirror −−recover DEPOTPATH mirror −−upgrade // mirror −−upgrade /DEPOTNAME/
−b [−−bootstrap] : mirror from a dump file −l [−−list] : list mirrored paths −d [−−detach] : mark a depotpath as no longer mirrored −−relocate : change the upstream URI for the mirrored depotpath −−recover : recover the state of a mirror path −−unlock : forcibly remove stalled locks on a mirror −−upgrade : upgrade mirror state to the latest version