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SVK::Command::Status − Display the status of items in the checkout copy


 status [PATH..]


 −q [−−quiet]           : do not display files not under version control
 −−no−ignore            : disregard default and svn:ignore property ignores
 −N [−−non−recursive]   : do not descend recursively
 −v [−−verbose]         : print full revision information on every item


Show pending changes in the checkout copy.

The first three columns in the output are each one character wide:

First column, says if item was added, deleted, or otherwise changed:

  ' '  no modifications
  'A' Added
  'C' Conflicted
  'D' Deleted
  'I' Ignored
  'M' Modified
  'R' Replaced
  '?' item is not under version control
  '!' item is missing (removed by non−svk command) or incomplete
  '~' versioned item obstructed by some item of a different kind

Second column, modifications of a file’s or directory’s properties:

  ' ' no modifications
  'C' Conflicted
  'M' Modified

Third column, scheduled commit will contain addition-with-history

  ' ' no history scheduled with commit
  '+' history scheduled with commit

Remaining fields are variable width and delimited by spaces:
The working revision (with −v)
The last committed revision and last committed author (with −v)
The working copy path is always the final field, so it can include spaces.

Example output:

  svk status
   M  bar.c
  A + qax.c
  svk status −−verbose wc
   M        53        2 sally        wc/bar.c
            53       51 harry        wc/foo.c
  A +        −       ?   ?           wc/qax.c
            53       43 harry        wc/zig.c
            53       20 sally        wc