StochasticCollocationInvCDF − Stochastic collocation inverse cumulative distribution function.
#include <ql/math/randomnumbers/stochasticcollocationinvcdf.hpp>
Inherits unary_function< Real, Real >.
Public Member Functions
StochasticCollocationInvCDF (const boost::function< Real(Real)> &invCDF, Size lagrangeOrder, Real pMax=Null< Real >(), Real pMin=Null< Real >())
Real value (Real x) const
Real operator() (Real u) const
Stochastic collocation inverse cumulative distribution function.
References: L.A. Grzelak, J.A.S. Witteveen, M.Suárez-Taboada, C.W. Oosterlee, The Stochastic Collocation Monte Carlo Sampler: Highly efficient sampling from “expensive” distributions
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