dbcolneaten - pretty-print columns of Fsdb data (assuming a monospaced font)
dbcolneaten [-E] [field_settings]
dbcolneaten arranges that the Fsdb data appears in neat columns if you view it with a monospaced font. To do this, it pads out each field with spaces to line up the next field.
Field settings are of the form
field op value
OP is >=, =, or <= specifying that the width of that FIELD must be more, equal, or less than that VALUE
dbcolneaten runs in O(1) memory but disk space proportional to the size of data.
-E or --noeoln
Omit padding for the last column (at the end-of-the-line). (Default behavior.)
-e or --eoln
Do padding and include an extra field separator after the last column. (Useful if you’re interactively adding a column.)
This module also supports the standard fsdb options:
-d |
Enable debugging output. |
-i or --input InputSource
Read from InputSource, typically a file name, or "-" for standard input, or (if in Perl) a IO::Handle, Fsdb::IO or Fsdb::BoundedQueue objects.
-o or --output OutputDestination
Write to OutputDestination, typically a file name, or "-" for standard output, or (if in Perl) a IO::Handle, Fsdb::IO or Fsdb::BoundedQueue objects.
--autorun or --noautorun
By default, programs process automatically, but Fsdb::Filter objects in Perl do not run until you invoke the run() method. The "--(no)autorun" option controls that behavior within Perl.
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#fsdb fullname homedir uid gid
Mr._John_Heidemann_Junior /home/johnh 2274 134
Greg_Johnson /home/greg 2275 134
Root /root 0 0
# this is a simple database
# | dbcol fullname homedir uid gid
#fsdb -F s fullname homedir uid gid
Mr._John_Heidemann_Junior /home/johnh 2274 134
Greg_Johnson /home/greg 2275 134
Root /root 0 0
# this is a simple database
# | dbcol fullname homedir uid gid
# | dbcolneaten
Does not handle tab separators correctly.
$filter = new Fsdb::Filter::dbcolneaten(@arguments);
Create a new dbcolneaten object, taking command-line arguments.
Internal: set up defaults.
Internal: parse command-line arguments.
Internal: setup, parse headers.
Format the header for the current object to output stream $out.
Scan the data once, then rewrite it neatly.
Copyright (C) 1991-2018 by John Heidemann <johnh AT isi DOT edu>
This program is distributed under terms of the GNU general public license, version 2. See the file COPYING with the distribution for details.