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xlander − A lunar landing simulation with a twist


xlander [ -controls controls ] [ -fn font ] [ -gravity planet ] [ -lateral value ] [ -repeat ] [ -retro value ]


XLander is a lunar landing simulation for X. It features an "out-the-window" scrolling 3-d display.


As you play the game, you will see the landing craft on the screen. The 3-d view follows the craft around, lagging behind slightly, which gives a good illusion of motion.

The lander is equipped with five thrusters; four directional thrusters which control lateral motion, and one retroactive thruster which fires downwards to produce upward momentum. Each thruster is activated by pressing and holding a particular key. By default, the space bar fires the retroactive thruster, and the 8, 2, 4 and 6 keypad keys fire the front, rear, left and right directional thrusters, respectively. The control keys can be re-mapped using the -control option described below. You can also use the keyboard arrow keys to fire directional thrusters if you like.

Each thruster uses up a particular amount of fuel. The retro thruster consumes more fuel than the directional thrusters, since it produces more thrust to combat the force of gravity. Fuel is indicated on the control panel. Once it’s gone, you can no longer thrust.

At the start of the game, your landing craft will be free-falling toward the surface. The goal is to land the craft on the landing pad with as little vertical and lateral motion as possible. The landing pad is visible as a square on the ground with a flag planted at one corner. The shadow of the craft is projected on the ground, allowing you to see how high it is and where it will land.

In order to land, you must be going slowly enough in both the vertical and lateral directions. Although you can land anywhere on the surface, you must land on the landing pad to get points. After each successful landing, the program gives you a score based on your vertical and lateral speeds, refills your fuel tank, and restarts the simulation at a higher difficulty level (by increasing the force of gravity). After you crash, the game shows your final score and then allows you to either start over or quit.


The lunar lander is equipped with a number of gauges and indicators which tell you its status. At the left of the gauge panel is a circular heading indicator which tells you the lateral direction of the craft. Next to this is a vertical velocity gauge, which tells you your rate of ascent or descent; after this comes a fuel gauge, followed by a radar screen which tells you your position relative to the landing pad.


-controls controls

Configure the keyboard controls used by xlander. You should pass a string of 5 characters. The first character is the key used to thrust forward, followed in order by the keys used to thrust backward, left, and right. After this comes the retro thrust key. The default control string is "8246 ".

If you are used to the vi editor, you might want to try using the control string "kjhl ".

-fn font

Select the font used to display the text used by the program.

-gravity planet

Simulate gravity of a particular planet or other heavenly body. Valid planets are: moon (default), earth, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, and pluto. This option also automatically adjusts the amount of retro thrust to suit the gravity of the planet (unless you override it using the -retro option).

-lateral value

Specify the amount of thrust, in ft/sec^2, provided by the four lateral thrusters on the craft.


Do not turn off key repeat for the duration of the game.

Since thrust is activated by holding down keys, xlander turns off auto key repeat during the game. This prevents keypress events from getting backed up in the queue. When the game exits, the original key repeat mode is restored. This option disables this behavior.

-retro value

Specify the amount of thrust, in ft/sec^2, provided by the retroactive thruster.


Collision detection needs (a lot of) work. Suggestions, anyone?

Since we’re not physicists or mathematicians, we don’t claim that this is a completely accurate simulation. So, have fun with it but don’t take it too seriously!


Paul Riddle (paulr AT umbc3 DOT umbc DOT edu)
Mike Friedman (mikef AT umbc3 DOT umbc DOT edu)


