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split−select − APK split and selection tool


split−select −−help

split−select −−target config −−base path/to/apk [−−split path/to/apk [...]]

split−select −−generate −−base path/to/apk [−−split path/to/apk [...]]



Displays more information about this program.

−−target config

Performs the Split APK selection on the given configuration.


Generates the logic for selecting the Split APK, in JSON format.

−−base path/to/apk

Specifies the base APK, from which all Split APKs must be based off.

−−split path/to/apk

Includes a Split APK in the selection process.

Where config is an extended AAPT resource qualifier of the form "resource−qualifiers:extended−qualifiers", where "resource−qualifiers" is an AAPT resource qualifier (ex: en−rUS−sw600dp−xhdpi), and 'extended−qualifiers' is an ordered list of one qualifier (or none) from each category:

Architecture: armeabi, armeabi−v7a, arm64−v8a, x86, x86_64, mips

Generates the logic for selecting a Split APK given some target Android device configuration. Using the flag −−generate will emit a JSON encoded tree of rules that must be satisfied in order to install the given Split APK. Using the flag −−target along with the device configuration will emit the set of Split APKs to install, following the same logic that would have been emitted via JSON.

SEE ALSO−docs/new−build−system/user−guide/apk−splits


The Android Open Source Project.
