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OPENTTD(6) BSD Games Manual OPENTTD(6)


openttd — open source clone of the Microprose game “Transport Tycoon Deluxe”


openttd [−efhx] [−b blitter] [−c config_file] [−d [level cat=lvl[,...]]] [−D [

host ][:port]] [−g [savegame]] [−G seed] [−I graphicsset] [−l host[:port]] [−m driver] [−M musicset] [−n host[
:port ][#player]] [−p password] [−P password] [−q savegame] [−r widthxheight] [−s driver] [−S soundset] [−t year] [−v driver]


Select the blitter blitter; see −h for a full list.

−c config_file

Use config_file instead of openttd.cfg.

−d [level]

Set debug verbosity for all categories to level, or 1 if omitted.

−d cat=lvl[,...]

Set debug verbosity to lvl for a specific category cat.

−D [

Start a dedicated server.

Network debug level will be set to 6. If you want to change this, set −d after setting −D.


Start in world editor mode.


Fork into background (dedicated server only, see −D).

−g [savegame]

Load savegame at start or start a new game if omitted. savegame must be either an absolute path or one relative to the current path or one of the search paths.

−G seed

Seed the pseudo random number generator with seed.


Display a summary of all options and list all the available AIs, blitters, sound, music and video drivers, graphics sets and sound sets.

−I graphicsset

Select the graphics set graphicsset; see −h for a full list.

−l host[:port]

Redirect DEBUG() output; see −D.

−m driver

Select the music driver driver; see −h for a full list.

−M musicset

Select the music set musicset; see −h for a full list.

−n host[

Join a network game, optionally specifying a port to connect to and player to play as.

−p password

Password used to join server. Only useful with −n.

−P password

Password used to join company. Only useful with −n.

−q savegame

Write some information about the specified savegame and exit.

−r widthxheight

Set the resolution to width × height pixels.

−s driver

Select the sound driver driver; see −h for a full list.

−S soundset

Select the sound set soundset; see −h for a full list.

−t year

Set the starting year to year.

−v driver

Select the video driver driver; see −h for a full list.


Do not automatically save to config file on exit.


Wiki: (includes community maintained manual), Forum:, News:


Transport Tycoon Deluxe was written by Chris Sawyer and published by Microprose. openttd is a free reimplementation.

BSD October 13, 2014 BSD
