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sg_safte − access SCSI Accessed Fault−Tolerant Enclosure (SAF−TE) device


sg_safte [−−config] [−−devstatus] [−−encstatus] [−−flags] [−−help] [−−hex] [−−insertions] [−−raw] [−−usage] [−−verbose] [−−version] DEVICE


Fetches enclosure status (via a SCSI READ BUFFER command). The DEVICE should be a SAF−TE device which may be a storage array controller (INQUIRY peripheral device type 0xc) or a generic processor device (INQUIRY peripheral device type 0x3).

If no options are given (only the DEVICE argument) then the overall enclosure status as reported by the option −−config ®is reported.


Arguments to long options are mandatory for short options as well. The options are arranged in alphabetical order based on the long option name.
, −−config

will issues a Read Enclosure Configuration ®(READ BUFFER ID 0) cdb to the device, which returns a list of the enclosure hardware resources.

−d, −−devstatus

will issue a Read Device Slot Status ®(READ BUFFER ID 4) cdb to the device, which returns information about the current state of each drive or slot.

−s, −−encstatus

will issue a Read Enclosure Status ®(READ BUFFER ID 1) cdb to the device, which returns the operational state of the components.

−f, −−flags

will issue a Read Global Flags ®(READ BUFFER ID 5) cdb to the device, which read the most recent state of the global flags of the RAID processor device.

−h, −−help

output the usage message then exit.

−H, −−hex

output the response to a READ BUFFER command in ASCII hex to stdout. If used once, output the response to the first READ BUFFER command (i.e. with buffer_id=0). This should be the enclosure configuration. If used twice (or more often), the response to subsequent READ BUFFER commands is output.

−i, −−insertions

will issue a Read Device Insertions ®(READ BUFFER ID 3) cdb to the device, which returns information about the number of times devices have been inserted whilst the RAID system was powered on.

−r, −−raw

output the response to a READ BUFFER command in binary to stdout. If used once, output the response to the first READ BUFFER command (i.e. with buffer_id=0). This should be the enclosure configuration. If used twice (or more often), the response to subsequent READ BUFFER commands is output.

−u, −−usage

will issue a Read Usage Statistics ®(READ BUFFER ID 2) cdb to the device, which returns the information on total usage time and number of power−on cycles of the RAID device.

−v, −−verbose

increase the level of verbosity, (i.e. debug output).

−V, −−version

print the version string and then exit.


The implementation is based on the intermediate review document eg as found at−te.htm

As the specification was never finalized this document serves as the de−facto standard.

Similar functionality is provided by SPC−4 SCSI Enclosure Services devices (Peripheral device type 0xd), which can be queried with the sg_ses utility.


To view the configuration:

sg_safte /dev/sg1

To view the device slot status:

sg_safte −−devstatus /dev/sg1


The exit status of sg_safte is 0 when it is successful. Otherwise see the sg3_utils(8) man page.


Written by Hannes Reinecke and Douglas Gilbert.


Report bugs to <dgilbert at interlog dot com>.


Copyright © 2004−2012 Hannes Reinecke and Douglas Gilbert
This software is distributed under a FreeBSD license. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


sg_inq, sg_ses (in sg3_utils package); safte−monitor (internet)
