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tpm2_load − program to load keys into TPM


tpm2_load [{−H −−parentparentHandle] [{−c −−contextParentfilename] [{−P −−pwdpcontextKeyPassword] [{−u −−pubfilepublicKeyFileName] [{−r −−privfileprivateKeyFileName] [{−n −−nameoutputFilename] [{−C −−contextfilename] [{−X −−passwdInHex}] [{−p −−portportNumber] [{−d −−debugLevel} {0 | 1 | 2 | 3}]

tpm2_load [{−h −−help} | {−v −−version}]


This manual page documents briefly the tpm2_load command.

This manual page was written for the Debian distribution because the original program does not have a manual page.

tpm2_load is a program that can load keys into TPM


The program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (‘−'). A summary of options is included below.

−H parentHandle, −−parent=parentHandle

parent handle.

−c filename, −−contextParent=filename

filename for parent context.

−P parentKeyPassword, −−pwdp=parentKeyPassword

parent key password, optional.

−u publicKeyFileName, −−pubfile=publicKeyFileName

The public portion of the object.

−r privateKeyFileName, −−privfile=privateKeyFileName

The sensitive portion of the object.

−n outputFilename, −−name=outputFilename

Output file name, containing the name structure.

−C filename, −−context=filename

The file to save the object context, optional.

−X, −−passwdInHex

passwords given by any options are hex format.

−p portNumber, −−port=portNumber

The Port number, default is 2323, optional.

−d {0 | 1 | 2 | 3}, −−debugLevel= {0 | 1 | 2 | 3}

The level of debug message, default is 0, optional

• 0 − (high level test results)

• 1 − (test app send/receive byte streams)

• 2 − (resource manager send/receive byte streams)

• 3 − (resource manager tables)

−h, −−help

Show summary of options.

−v, −−version

Show version of program.


tpm2_load provides some return codes, that can be used in scripts:



The upstreams BTS can be found at


tpm2_activatecredential(8), tpm2_akparse(8), tpm2_certify(8), tpm2_create(8), tpm2_createprimary(8), tpm2_encryptdecrypt(8), tpm2_evictcontrol(8), tpm2_getmanufec(8), tpm2_getpubak(8), tpm2_getpubek(8), tpm2_getrandom(8), tpm2_hash(8), tpm2_hmac(8), tpm2_listpcrs(8), tpm2_listpersistent(8), tpm2_loadexternal(8), tpm2_makecredential(8), tpm2_nvdefine(8), tpm2_nvlist(8), tpm2_nvread(8), tpm2_nvreadlock(8), tpm2_nvrelease(8), tpm2_nvwrite(8), tpm2_quote(8), tpm2_rc_decode(8), tpm2_readpublic(8), tpm2_rsadecrypt(8), tpm2_rsaencrypt(8), tpm2_sign(8), tpm2_takeownership(8), tpm2_unseal(8), tpm2_verifysignature(8)


Ying−Chun Liu <>

Wrote this manpage for the Debian system.


Copyright © 2017 Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu)

This manual page was written for the Debian system (and may be used by others).

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3 or (at your option) any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.

On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common−licenses/GPL−3.
