ANTSUseLandmarkImagesToGetBSplineDisplacementField − part of ANTS registration suite
ANTSUseLandmarkImagesToGetBSplineDisplacementField fixedImageWithLabeledLandmarks movingImageWithLabeledLandmarks outputDisplacementField meshSize[0]xmeshSize[1]x... numberOfLevels [order=3] [enforceStationaryBoundaries=1] [landmarkWeights]
we expect the input images to be (1) N−ary
(2) in the same physical space as the images you want to
register and (3 ) to have the same landmark points defined within them ... landmarks will be defined from the center of mass of the labels in the input images . You can use ITK−snap to generate the label images. The optional landmarks weights are read from a text file where each row is either: "label,labelWeight" or "labelWeight" or If the latter format is used, the label weights are assumed to be arranged in ascending order by label.