abyss-fixmate − Fill the paired-end fields of SAM alignments
abyss-fixmate [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Write read pairs that map to the same contig to the file SAME. Write read pairs that map to different contigs to stdout. Alignments may be in FILE(s) or standard input.
set the qname to * [default]
do not alter the qname
−−all |
print all alignments |
−−diff |
print alignments that align to different contigs [default] |
−l, −−min−align=N
the minimal alignment size [1]
−s, −−same=SAME
write properly−paired reads to this file
−h, −−hist=FILE
write the fragment size histogram to FILE
−c, −−cov=FILE
write the physical coverage to FILE
−v, −−verbose
display verbose output
−−help |
display this help and exit |
output version information and exit
specify path of database repository in FILE
specify library NAME for sqlite
specify strain NAME for sqlite
specify species NAME for sqlite
Written by Shaun Jackman.
Report bugs to <abyss−users AT bcgsc DOT ca>.
Copyright 2014 Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre