ao-chaosread − read raw noise source from chaoskey
ao-chaosread reads ADC values from the noise source on the attached ChaosKey device.
−s serial | --serial serial
This selects a ChaosKey by serial number instead of using the first one found.
−l length | --length length
Set the amount of data to read. Suffixes ’k’, ’M’ and ’G’ are supported. The default is 1k.
−i | --infinite
Read an unlimited amount of data.
−b | --bytes
For each 16-bit value read, output bits 1-8 as a byte, don’t output bit 0 or bits 9-15 at all.
−c | --cooked
Read whitened data from the device. The default is to read raw data from the noise source.
−r | --raw
Read raw data from the noise source. This is the default.
−f | --flash
Read the contents of flash memory on the device. This loops through flash memory, so you can read the contents more than once, but there’s no way to reset the pointer back to the start other than making sure you read the whole contents.
ao-chaosread reads noise data.
Keith Packard